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Other Writing



Wombat Books & Rhiza Press short story anthology, The Opposite of Disappearing

contributer, short story: 'Paper Crowns'




Geelong Writers Inc anthology From the Inside Looking Out

contributer, short story: 'What do Whales Dream?'


Write Around the Murray AlburyCity Short Story Award

shortlisted for Brimbank and York


Big Issue Fiction edition

longlisted for short story 'Splinter'


CYA Conference Published category

runner-up for manuscript Seven Wherewithal Way


Peter Carey Short Story Award

longlisted for short story 'Splinter'



The Australian/Vogel's Literary Award

runner-up for manuscript A Troubling of Goldfish



May Gibbs Creative Time Fellowship



Various awards, One-Act Play Festivals around Victoria

'How Can We Help?' 45 min

We've all been there - the waiting room of a large, bulk-billing doctor's surgery. But you've never met characters like these.



Bayside Artist in Residence


Macedon One Act Play Festival

2nd, short play, 'Do You Come Here Often' 45 min

Follows the comings and goings of a variety of characters at a trashy nightclub on a Saturday night - including one mysterious lady who just won't leave.



The Sleepers Almanac No 7
contributer, short story: 'Rough Weather Expected'

[untitled] literary journal competition and published in Edition 4
1st, short story: 'Avery at the River'

"This is a beautifully written story. It flows like a dream. The narrative pace and rhythm are superb. Two principal characters are written with great verve ... voices and dialogue are distinct and sustained throughout. The tone in the writing and the voices of the principle characters reminded me of the way the child characters are depicted in classics such as To Kill and Mockingbird and The Catcher in the Rye. The tension is sustained and builds to a strong climax. The result is a nuanced and moving story, which suggests how easily youthful bravado can be transformed into tragedy." ~ Judge Arnold Zable



Perilous Adventures magazine
1st, short story: 'Jim'

FAW Tasmania Iris Milutinovic Award
1st, short story: 'Free-Falling'
"The winning story engaged me within the first of second paragraph, soon had me caring about the characters and left me pondering the themes long after I'd finished reading ... portrayed realistic and interesting characters, authentic relationships, and satisfying resolutions of conflict ... this story rose quickly to the top of the short listed pile, notable for its economy of language used skilfully to enhance the story's emotional impact and avoid sentimentality. This writer knows how to make each word count."

Henry Lawson Grenfell Festival Poetry Award
Highly commended, poem: 'Fish Bucket'

Yarram Community Learning Centre Literary Competition
2nd, short story: 'What the Raven Saw'
"Delivering a powerful message through the interaction between two strong characters, this story was clever, witty and thought provoking."

The Book Abyss Writing Competition
2nd, short story: 'The Princess Everlasting'

FAWQ Lovers of Good Writing Competition
1st, short story: 'Dripping'
"A moving account of how a family coped with the loss of a loved one through suicide."

Henry Lawson Grenfell Festival Short Story Award

highly commended, short story: 'Thirst'

Carrying Pencil
Drawing of Rabbit
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